Action bar HUD text (like dismount messages) now has a shadow.Decorated pots are now shaded in inventories.Horse jump and camel dash bars are no longer stretched on mobile devices.The experience bar and number now disappear while riding a horse or camel.Disabled 2D glass pane icons due to upcoming stained glass pane ID changes.Swimming, crawling, and sneaking animations now better match Java Edition (Thanks, Disabled zombie villager hurt overlay due to upcoming profession changes.*Removed archer pottery shard texture as Bedrock Edition changed to match Java Edition.

Kelp is now brighter to match Java Edition (Thanks, Cherry sign now has the correct command helper.*Fast azalea and cherry leaves now match Java Edition.Distant leaves are now as bright as Java Edition.

=Universal= Textures, Block Animations, and Properties: Lines that begin with * are features unique to Java Aspects (not in Console Aspects).